Christmas Care
The Wilkesboro Church works with the Wilkes County School System to meet the Christmas needs of children in our area. It is our mission to demonstrate the love of Christ to children in our community during the Christmas season. Our members “adopt” a family for Christmas and share the reason for the season.
If you know of a child in need of some ChristmasCare, please contact us.

The King’s Closet
The Wilkesboro Church has been involved with providing clothing to our community for over 20 years.
If you or someone you know is in need of any type of clothing, we hope you will let us serve you. Please contact us to arrange a scheduled shopping time with some of our members. Call us at 336-838-5695 or contact us.

Mission Work
The Wilkesboro Church has been actively involved in foreign missions for over twenty years. Our teams have worked in China, Japan, India, Germany, Honduras, Papua New Guinea, Nicaragua, Mexico and Peru. We currently have families in India, Germany and Japan. In addition, we support a missionary in Peru through another congregation.
To read their stories click here.