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Who We Are

Robert Lewis


My name is Robert Lewis, but around here, I am known as Robby. I am from North Wilkesboro and have been a part of this congregation since  1985.

Since 1991, I have lived and worked as a missionary in what was the former communist part of Germany, known officially then as the DDR or East Germany. The area was behind the Iron Curtain before that fell in 1989. One of our earliest German sisters in one of the newly-founded congregations there became my wife in 1999. Her adult son is a dear brother and friend, and his new family has now increased by bringing a grandson into our lives. They live in Belgium, and we treasure time together with them occasionally, hindered only by the seven hour drive between us.

After working in aviation as a pilot for almost 20 years, I had the urge to become involved in missions in some foreign land. In the churches of Christ there is much freedom in ability for anyone to fulfill this desire, as we don’t require missionaries to go through a missions board, some selection process or to even have special missions or Bible training. Although many might wince, even gasp, at that thought of having untrained people on a mission field, I have discovered that just being educated in the Everyday as pilot and recognizing life revealed and unfolding in that Everyday provided much needed training and important experience for this “job”. OJT has continued the education in sometimes rough ways. Nevertheless, I see the truth and value of simply being like, and teaching like, Jesus did with his followers along the way more and more as I get older.

Wilkesboro church, along with many other congregations and individuals, have been a part of our financial and love support now for 22 years. Since my mom and other family members are also here in the area, the Wilkesboro congregation has been “home base” for me, and now my wife, for all those years. We have all grown much together, and I find it an indescribable joy and blessing to be with them when we come home, something we try to do every 18 months. As they already know, it is such an emotional experience for me to just stand before them and share some of the journey we have traveled while in Europe.

May the journey continue!


The Wilkesboro Church has had a team in Mumbai, India for many years.  Because the Indian Government is unfriendly towards Christian Missionaries, we cannot endanger this family by publishing details about them. We are pleased to report that they are among the most fruitful, well-loved and respected evangelists in the brotherhood. For more information, please contact us directly.

Jal Mahal


Taylor family 

The Taylor family has been involved in ministry since Leslie and Sara married in 2007.  They began working with the Wilkesboro Church of Christ in youth ministry that year, and continued in that role until 2010, when they moved to Japan as vocational missionaries.  While there, they realized that they wanted to reach out more to these people, but needed some more time to study the language and focus on outreach than the vocational aspect allowed.

After a year back in the U.S., the Taylors returned to Japan in August 2012.  Their goal – to encourage the people of Japan to seek and find the living God, so that they can enjoy an abundant life in him.  They are currently working with a small Church of Christ in Matsudo, a large city in Chiba Prefecture on the outskirts of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area.  For the first couple of years, they are mostly focused on studying the language and becoming a part of the community, so that they can ultimately be more effective in reaching out to the Japanese about God and his Son, Jesus.  They will also be working to minister and serve the few members of the congregation in Matsudo.

Machu Pichu


The church of Christ began in this city with one member only in 2005. The Wilkesboro church in cooperation with other North Carolina churches began supporting a local minister for Ilo in 2008.The Ilo church now consist of about ten members and weekly meetings include many new faces. Eduardo Beltran a Chilean native is currently serving as an evangelist. The Ilo church meets in a rented facility on the plateau, which it also serves as the minister’s residence.

Machu Pichu
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